by Peter Sullivan

There is an ever growing body of evidence showing that emotional intelligence is a core competency in achieving success. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions and impulses as well as managing the emotions and behaviour of others.

The importance of emotional intelligence competencies like self-awareness, impulse control, and empathy and relationship management is well documented. While these factors are important, what is more important is being able to tap into these attributes in the face of adversity.
A Walter Clarke study of 130 executives found that, how well people handled their own emotions determined how much people around them preferred to deal with them.
How often do we see talented fail to achieve their full potential? Having a high IQ and a good education are important ingredients in a successful life. These attributes gain entry into ‘the game’ but they alone are not sufficient in themselves to guarantee success.

The ability to manage adversity, stay motivated and focused under pressure is a hallmark of very successful people.


More than 30 years of extensive research by Dr. Martin Seligman on optimism has shown that optimists are more resistant to life’s setbacks and more likely to achieve their potential. They are mentally tougher and more persistent in the face of adversity.

Tough minded optimists enjoy better health than pessimists, and get the maximum pleasure out of their successes because they believe they caused them and that they’ll have more of them.

Optimism, a core competence of emotional intelligence, has proven to be the quality that fortifies people to handle change and adversity. More than any other factor in emotional intelligence optimism and resilience determine how we respond to the challenges and pressures of our environment.

Talents and skills are surely eroded if we don’t have the inner strength and mental toughness to press on in spite of the pressures of the role.

The ability to stay optimistic and persevere in the face of adversity is a large determinant of success. Optimism enables leaders to maintain their motivation despite a tough environment.

People with high hope set and commit to higher goals and inspire their people to work harder to obtain them. Being able to marshal feelings of enthusiasm and confidence in the workforce is one of the unifying traits of successful people.

With greater expectations and work load people need a high tolerance to frustration. They need the mental toughness and resilience that will keep them bouncing back from the pressures of decisions, setbacks and problems.

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Years of research by Professor Martin Seligman has demonstrated the key to success is resilience. Resilience is the ability to stay optimistic, endure adversity and not falter, it is a vital determinate of achievement in school work and life. Resilience is also about the persistence necessary to bounce back from setbacks and stay focused on goals.

The resiliency factor is what creates results beyond what mere talent would suggest. It is the ingredient that maximises ability, especially during times of change and adversity.

Resilience has proven to be a powerful predictor of performance, wealth and health.

In “The Resilience Factor”, Karen Revich and Andrew Shatte cite the number one roadblock to resilience is limitations in cognitive style. Most agree the way we interpret the world impacts on whether we feel overwhelmed by events or have the inner strength and hardiness to press on.

The fortunate thing is that the attributes of mental toughness, optimism and resilience can be developed. Learning specific strategies can enhance these skills and enable people to maximise their talents and opportunities.

A few tips

One of the first steps in building resilience is to identify the hard-to-do high-payoff activities of your role. This allows you to maintain your focus on the activities that make the biggest difference. Optimists believe they can get them done, and have the resilience to stick at it if they aren’t completed straight away. When you are more proactive with these activities you develop a habit of overcoming adversity and staying focused on goals.

Another tip is to simply recognise the hard evidence on these soft skills of emotional intelligence. Sometimes when we are so focused on the technical skills of a role we can lose sight of the value of optimism and resilience.

Recognise the role of both thought and emotion in human behaviour. Next time it doesn’t quite go to plan, review and try to understand how emotions have had a major impact on people’s decisions and behaviours. In doing so you’ll begin to see more ways to act, and not react that are particularly useful, especially when you’re under pressure.

Finally, while working to improve your mental toughness, still have remember to have a heart. We are, after all, emotionally intelligent beings!

There is plenty of evidence on how resilience is a core factor in achievement. It is by learning how to manage negative emotions, especially in difficult circumstances, that you can bounce back quicker from setbacks. And keeping your problems in perspective enhances your mental toughness and persistence – attributes that are sure to help you achieve even greater successes.

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By John Cleary

Management delivers the power of position and invites to direct while others do. A tried and trusted formula for those whose actions under value the importance of staff engagement in times of digital transformation.

Intention is not enough if you want to succeed in a highly competitive environment. Reading another article or developing another ‘to do’ list are just distractions when a manager reverts to command and control and directive habits.

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Positive action is essential to develop management skills. Ideas on how managers transition to become leaders abound. Ultimately the solution lies within and is beyond mere intention.

The first step is to better understand you. Profiling resources such as Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) help you understand your leadership style, develop your strengths and minimise your weaknesses. 360 Degree Feedback also provides valuable feedback on the inevitable and sometimes uncomfortable gap between self and followers perception.

It is a tough challenge when the change project is you and takes courage to admit your weaknesses and develop your strengths. It is tougher still if your emotional intelligence needs to be developed to understand how to leverage the full capabilities of your team. Dee Hock, CEO of Visa International, believes around 50% of a leader’s energy and focus needs to be devoted to positively influencing those around us.

The second step is to understand the difference between management and leadership.

Consider what behaviour is modelled when a time poor Manager who continues to:

  • do tasks that other team members can do as well if not better
  • rely on ‘gut feel’ when staff have contrary timely and accurate business intelligence

A leader models effective time management, delegation, influence and problem solving.

This distinction between Managers and Leaders was developed in a leadership workshop.

Managers Leaders
Power of Title

Direct and Demand

Silo Approach

Task Oriented

Habitual Style – inflexible

Policies & Procedures

Self – It’s Up to Me!

Extensive Knowledge

Values Based – Influence and Inspire

Empathise and Engage

Embrace cross functionality

Systems Thinkers

Adaptive Style

Objectives and Outcomes

Develop shared vision and common purpose

Use wisdom to leverage knowledge

Clarify the difference between management and leadership in your own mind. Plan how to develop your leadership style.  Model leadership behavior to demonstrate a clear message to your staff that performance improves with common purpose and willing followers.

In “Why Should Anyone Be Led by You”[1], ‘tough empathy’ is defined as ‘giving people what they need, not what they want’.  Apply tough empathy to yourself.  Build a better you. Provide opportunity for staff to engage, innovate and be their best under your leadership.

Effective leadership brings significant rewards in all facets of life and a sense of belonging. In the workplace leadership provides a gift of time by harnessing collective team skills.

German Physicist Georg Lichtenberg said “I cannot say whether things will get better if we change; what I can say is they must change if they are to get better.”

Management is seldom enough.  Leadership is more effective when performance relies on a foundation of shared vision, common purpose and willing followers!

John Cleary

[1] “Why Should Anyone Be Led by You” R Goffe & G Jones, Harvard Business Review, October 2000

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by Peter Pearce

“Two plus two equals four … until people get involved”

Ever wondered what it is about a project that can turn, what should be a routine process, into a stress-head’s picnic? Completed late. Unanticipated implications. Unexpected outcomes. Whether it’s building a new manufacturing plant, completing an off-shore takeover, or just relocating the sales office, managing projects requires a particular set of skills and processes.

The question is – how important are people skills?

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Project practitioners are typically good at understanding, applying and executing the core methods, tools and techniques of project management. These skills are essential but not sufficient in themselves to deliver the outcomes required. Project practitioners also need to master the people skills if they are to really succeed in their role.

Yes, managing the people dimensions is what really puts the power into project management.  These are the skills required to be able to communicate requirements, understand different perspectives, and manage and motivate the involvement of the participants.  Without this, it simply won’t happen.

That’s not to understate the importance of the core methods, tools and techniques.  In your organisation how well do your project managers, and your executives managing projects, understand, apply and execute the project management basics?

Firstly, the project team needs to understand and correctly interpret the needs and expectations of the internal and external customers and the operations people who serve them.  What is the process your organisation has right now, to ensure major projects, and even minor projects in core operational areas, gain participant ownership?

Next, they will need to understand, define and communicate the impact of change on people in that division/department, and in other parts of the organisation.  How skilled are your people at presenting the corporate goals and obligations?

Most project teams will work on understanding the interests, motivations, fears and drivers of project stakeholders and what their reactions will be to these factors.  What is your method for defining who the stakeholders are?  Too often corporations will discover long after a project is completed, that key stakeholders, apparently not directly involved, have been alienated.

Then the team requires the skills, knowledge and confidence to effectively present compelling arguments to influence project stakeholders. Remember, depending on the project, your project team may be required to influence senior executives and these powers of persuasion cannot be taken too lightly!

Finally, the team leadership need the skills to understand, motivate, communicate with, coach, evaluate and lead their project teams, i.e. a high level of “emotional intelligence”. How are you upskilling your project team personnel to manage and lead?

When projects fail to meet performance targets it is most often because of these “people dimensions” rather than technical or procedural deficiencies. This is understandable because most project training and development of personnel focuses on technical competencies and not on the people competencies. Both are needed for success.

Once the core project management skills have been imparted, project managers should be supported in developing their skills in:

  • communication,
  • team leadership,
  • change management,
  • performance coaching and people development, and
  • presentation and influencing.

To illustrate the importance of people skills, consider who the Project Managers are likely to interact with: Sponsor, Executive Team, Project Board, Project Team, Contractors and Vendors, their Boss, Key Customers, other Project Managers, Business Analysts, Department Heads, etc.

Here are the key issues for you to address.  Observe the strengths of your different project teams to deliver these, and you will quickly realise where your development requirements are.

  • All communication between project managers and their stakeholders must be two-way to be effective.
  • There is complexity because of the different forms of interaction – the issues, reports, meetings, negotiating, compromising, politicking, competing for resources, co-ordination, etc.
  • There is a range of skills needed to handle all these interactions with confidence and competence.
  • Within the project team, all the usual leadership requirements are necessary: goal-setting, motivating, coaching, training, conflict resolution, performance management and evaluation, teamwork, delegation, follow-up, etc.
  • At higher level, presenting compelling proposals to the board for funding, understanding the WIIFMs (the benefits or “What’s in it for me?”) of key stakeholders, persuading them to attend key meetings and to read reports, negotiating resource allocation, contracting with suppliers, etc is necessary.
  • With the “customer”, understanding the business, listening to needs and understanding requirements, getting good documentation, negotiating change requests and issues, etc. is necessary.

If the project manager lacks skills and confidence in dealing with people, then communications break down, and there is a real risk that the project will suffer.

Some project managers are aware of their own shortcomings in these areas.  However, a lack of confidence to talk with stakeholders, avoiding discussion for fear of inadequacy and conflict, can only bury the issue, with potentially severe impact on the project.

Projects affect and involve people.  Project managers and project team leaders must be able to communicate effectively with people if they are to successfully manage their projects.  Then the projects will be delivered on time with the cost effective and quality effective outcomes required.

The solution. Build your people skills through training, coaching and mentoring. The investment will be soon be realised through project success.

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By Louise Mahler PhD

Voice is surprisingly important in defining who we are and inextricably linked with who we bring to the workplace.  Yet, in Australia there is little work being done to help rid people of some of the vocal “twang”.  That vocal lack of intelligence that can sometimes make us cringe with disbelief at the voice of another person being so incongruent with what we expect.  Or worse still, silence the voices of those in our companies who feel unable to speak up, and can offer so much in these times of constant change.

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The widely known work of Mehrabian provides a great insight into how we perceive a verbal message; why we might like or dislike it.  He showed that only 7% of our perception was based on the words themselves.  55% was based on what we saw in the body, bearing and gestures of the other, and a significant 38% from the voice.

Yes, those elements that make up our voice – articulation, pitch, intonation, volume, inflection, etc – influence our perception of others to a surprising degree.  This voice component becomes even more significant when you consider how much of our business communication is delivered over the telephone.


It’s also beneficial to understand the associated stereotypes, particularly in the corporate world.  How much does our perception make up our minds for us about such things as first impressions, attractiveness, credibility and confidence?

Zuckerman and Miyake defined the attractive voice as sounding “more articulate, lower in pitch, higher in pitch range, low in squeakiness, non-monotonous, appropriately loud and resonant”.  Berry established that people with attractive voices are seen to “have greater power, competence, warmth and honesty attributed to them.”  In contrast he found “people with ‘babyish’ voices are usually perceived to be less powerful.”

Consequently the squeaky, high pitched, monotonous, clipped voice of the archetypical call-centre employee asking “How can I help you?” is stereotyped.  We hear them as someone who is powerless, lacking honesty, and even incompetent.  On one hand the words express warmth and concern.  On the other hand we can also hear a tight squeezing around the throat and we immediately perceive an inflexible mind.

Likewise an executive announcing the corporate delight at an enormous profit in a detached monotone voice, is equally as ludicrous.


If this is true, why don’t we see effective programs aimed at changing perceptions and recognizing that this is just stereotyping?

The reason is clear. Responding to changes in stereotypical voice patterns is a game of non-authentic imitation.  In Australia we have an inbuilt “bull dust” detector that makes us different to Americans.  We laugh at the TV series “Friends”, when Monica tells us “Honesty is the key to a relationship.  If you can fake that, you’re in.”  We loathe non-authentic responses and will sniff them out from 30 paces!

New dimensions

So if the work is not being done to change these perceptions, how can you work on voice, and change your prospects in the workplace?

The answer is that true work on voice involves recognising your responses to stress and different emotional states.  It is analysed in terms of breathing, posture, throat tension and the associated mental scripts, often raising unconscious feelings.  Habitual patterns and often blockages are identified and can be changed.

In this way voice work enters a world of personal development.  It becomes a way of recognising patterns of thought that have repercussions not only for communication, but for many other areas as well.  Through voice work, or Vocal Intelligence, you might improve your golf swing, even your sex life, as well as the influence of your presentations and one-on-one dialogues.

Being silenced

It never fails to fascinate me how people are often silenced by some pressure in the workplace and how we understand that situation as acceptable.

Not that ‘being silenced’ is unnatural.  The vocal folds act as a valve, whose major function is to stop water from entering the lungs and stop us from drowning.  Although effective when literally drowning, it can also close or immobilise the vocal function, because of stress and without the danger of water, especially in the workplace.

The first problem with not addressing this issue, is your repeated failure, the experience of which is a blow to self-esteem, something my clients recognise as devastating. The second wider-reaching problem is the complete paralysis of the workplace we are attempting to work in, in a new effective way.

In fact, Handy, Senge and Peters have all referred to this ‘devoicing’ as incongruent with corporate objectives.   Corporations need us to express opinion, make influential speeches and provide open feedback, as part the skills for successful interpersonal relationships and leadership.  Just one strategy identified by Senge to address global change, is to build the skills in reflective conversation and dialogue.  Try doing that with your mouth shut!

The challenge you face in finding voice is that self-guidance is an inadequate instrument for development. You can’t hear yourself, so stop trying.  And you can’t fake it, because we Australians loathe non-authentic expression.

We should recognise ‘devoicing’ as a chronic illness in the workplace that, while it might be natural, is not acceptable.  It is curable through a literal ‘re-voicing’ at an authentic level, expressing who we are by mobilising sound.  Rodenburg realised ‘there are no boring, ugly, bad voices, only lost ones’.

Accept that you have a voice.  That it is capable of being a superb reflection of who you are.  Recognise the holistic elements of vocal improvement, which involve amongst other things breathing, posture and patterns of thought under stress. This is done together with a coach, working in the context of the stresses that began the problem in the first place, and reflecting progress through vocal tone.

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by Kevin Ryan

Have you noticed how quickly luggage can wear out? When you travel as much as I do, suitcases rarely seem to see their second birthday!

Recently, I visited a well known luggage store in a large suburban shopping centre to replace my travel-weary luggage. I was approached by the store manager and her friendliness and professional presentation could not be faulted.

“I can travel 100,000 kilometres in a year” I started, trying to make it clear I needed something heavy duty, “so suitcases don’t last me very long.”

time exWell, she launched into a most detailed explanation of heavy duty luggage: the breaking strength of rigid cases; comparisons between 600 denier and 1200 denier weave; relative merits of 10mm versus 15mm zips; and a whole lot of other stuff that didn’t even register. Obviously she was very knowledgeable about suitcases!

However, there was no enquiry about my past experiences. No questions about brand loyalties. Nor preferred styles. Nor even pet hates. She hadn’t checked to find out if the information she was giving me was making sense, or had any relevance to my particular usage.

Did she sell me a suitcase? I think you know the answer.

The sad thing for her was that she thought she was doing the right thing, showing me that she was more knowledgeable that the other luggage retailers in the centre. All she did though was convince me that I didn’t know enough to make a buying decision!

The sobering thought for many employers is that a lot of time and money is spent providing this kind of knowledge. And it often doesn’t result in a sale.

How different the experience is when people are aware of the value of listening. It applies in a sales context, in customer service, or internal communication within an organisation.

With an awareness of the forgotten skill of listening, perhaps our luggage expert would have recognised the verbal and non-verbal clues, spoken and unspoken signals that I was giving out.

Maybe she could have said something like: “Sounds like you’ve been through some suitcases in your time. What’s been the biggest problem?”

Or “With all your experience, what brands have you found to be better than others?”

Then she would have recognised that I had some very definite ideas about what I did and didn’t want. That I wanted specific advice on one or two points. And she would probably have sold me a suitcase.

In today’s world, consumers are better informed than ever before. I could have found out all that knowledge about the luggage with a search on the net. What consumers crave is human interaction with somebody who understands their needs.

And the best way you’ll find out needs is by listening.

Listening is the first communication skill we use as human beings. Ironically, it is the one that is the least studied.

Nearly half our waking communicating time is spent listening, with the remainder divided between speaking, reading and writing. Yet very few of the staff who interact with customers have had focussed training in this most basic communication skill.

So, what do you do? Here are some suggestions.

Firstly, give them some basic knowledge of active listening skills such as:

  1. Paraphrasing –  being able to repeat back to the customer in your own words what they have just said;
  1. Reflection of Feelings – most buying decisions are emotional decisions and those who are able to interpret a customers feelings, especially from non-verbal signals like tone of voice or facial expression, surely have the edge; and
  1. Open and Closed Questions – knowing the difference between these types of questions and the best times to use each type.

Secondly, establish a customer service standard that forces them to listen. Try this three step strategy:

  1. Focused Attention – as far as possible, give the customer your complete and undivided attention; face them front on and really listen by looking at them and concentrating on them;
  1. Check the Information – if you are not completely clear on what the customer needs, check back with them using, as far as possible, your own words; use phrases that connect with them like: “So, it sounds to me like you need something that will…”; and
  1. Ask Open Questions – these question types start with how, what, why, when, etc. and are great for getting information from a customer about what they want the product or service to do; try asking at least one or two open questions before showing the customer anything.

I can vouch for the success of the ‘ask two questions’ strategy in retailing.  You’ll know the system, and how simple and effective it is: insist your staff ask two questions before they explain anything about your product.  If nothing else, it forces staff to focus more on the customer, and quickly results in better sales conversion. 

The standard of listening skills in customer service is generally overlooked.  It’s easy to stand out with just a little effort.

Improve these skills in those who interact with customers and you will increase your sales and customer loyalty.  Think what it might do for all your staff communication.

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